Pranjal , the primary blind IAS officer of the country, took over the post on Monday. Pranjal of Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra cleared the UPSC within first attempt in 2016. She was ranked 773 position in India. She got employment within the Indian Railway Accounting Service (IRAS), But Railway refused to give her a job because of blindness. Pranjal said that "we should not give up, efforts only make us successful". The next year she again sat in the UPSC exam and this time she was ranked AIR 124. After training she took charge on Monday over the post Sub - collector.
After taking charge Pranjal said"I am feeling extremely glad and proud to take charge. Once i start working, i will be able to have more ideas about the sub division of the district. Pranjal passed India's biggest exam without coaching. They think that Nothing is Impossible. Pranjal said that success does not inspire me, the struggle for success inspires me.
But success is important then the planet will prefer your competition.
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