PM Modi organised a function at PM residence invited Bollywood actors and actress .Aamir Khan , Shah Rukh Khan , Ekta Kapoor ,Anurag Basu , Jacqueline ,Kangana Ranaut , Sonam Kapoor attend this function . The main Motive of this function is to how to celebrate 150th birth anniversary of the father of nation Mahatma Gandhi and how encourage people about Bapu ideas . Bapu is synonymous with simplicity .This thoughts resonate far and wide . when it came to popularising the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi ,many people in the field of movie and television show did a great job .
PM Modi appealed to those actors to visit the museum and the statue of unity.The film and television doing good job promoting ideas of Mahatma Gandhi ."I want to applaud ofPM Modi for thinking of popularising Mahatma Gandhi ideals " Aamir Khan said .
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